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Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences accepts manuscripts (original articles, short communications, review articles) from the entire field of veterinary medicine. The manuscript should be send to:
Prof. Ireneusz Miroslaw Lakomy, Editor-in-Chief, Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Department of Animal Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury, PL-10-719 Olsztyn-Kortowo II, Poland, phone: +48-89 523-37-33, fax: +48-89 523-49-86; e-mail: pjovs@uwm.edu.pl
The submission of the manuscripts is regarded as the Author’s statement that it has not been published (or submitted to publication) elsewhere, neither as a whole manuscript, nor as a part.
Publication of the manuscript implies the transfer of copyrights to the owners of the journal.
Prerequisites for publication
Authorship. The Editors of Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences subscribe to recommendations formulated by the International Committee of Medical Journals (Ann Int Med (1988) 108:258-265) regarding criteria for authorship. Therefore, each person listed as an author or co-author of a submitted manuscript must meet all of three criteria listed below. Thus, an author or co-author shall have i) conceived, planned and performed the work leading to the report, or interpreted the evidence presented, or both, ii) written the manuscript or reviewed successive versions and shared in their revisions, iii) approved the final version. Meeting these criteria should provide each author with sufficient knowledge of, and participation in the work that the author can accept public responsibility for the manuscript.
Retraction. The editors of the Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences recognize their responsibility to promote the recording of accurate, objective and unbiased data, observations and conclusions drawn therefrom. As a consequence, they reserve the right to publish retraction of articles that are subsequently determined to contain fraudulent data, observations or conclusions.
Use of animals. Manuscripts submitted for publications must contain a statement that the study protocol was approved by a local Ethics Commission. The Materials and Methods section should contain a description of analgesic and anesthetic procedures followed, as well as humane methods of maintenance and sacrifice (if applicable). The Editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the above-mentioned requirements. The authors will be held responsible for false statements or for failure to fulfill the above-mentioned requirements.
Manuscripts (exclusively in English, to assure their widest possible readership) and their accompanying illustrations must be submitted in triplicate (original manuscript typed on one side of the paper plus two copies photocopied on both sides). Text must be typed with font Times New Roman (12 pts) double-spaced, with 2.5 cm margins throughout. Three sets of illustrations should be submitted: mounted layout of the originals and two sets of good quality photographs (not photocopies). In order to reduce mailing costs further, rejected manuscripts will normally not be returned; moreover, unless their return is requested, original illustrations will be destroyed six weeks after the publication of the manuscript. In order to facilitate communication between the authors and editors, the authors should furnish their fax number or an e-mail address on the title page of the manuscript.
The length of the manuscripts (including illustrations and references) should not exceed 30, 20 and 4 typed pages for review article, original article, and short communication, respectively.
There is a page charge (80 PLN + 23% VAT; paid after receiving the invoice) per standard typed page (except color illustrations) of manuscript. Considering the organization of the manuscript, all types must contain the first page, keywords (up to seven) and Abstract (not exceeding 250 words). The first page of the manuscript must include the title, name(s) and initial(s) of authors, affiliation(s) and a detailed address for correspondence. The original article should additionally conform to the following organization: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements (if any), References, Tables and Illustrations, Legends.
References. Only references to papers published in regular journals, books and book chapters, or abstracts published in regular journals (or supplements to regular journals) are accepted. No references to abstracts published in the congress materials should be cited. In the text, they should conform the following examples: „… Kaleczyc (1997) has shown…” or „… as recently revealed (Lakomy 1989, 1990, Majewski and Kaleczyc 1995, Kaleczyc et al. 1997), it seems that…”. All references should be listed at the end of the paper as follows:
Keast JR (1995) Pelvic ganglia. In: McLachlan EM (ed) Autonomic ganglia. Harwood Academic Publishers, Luxembourg, pp 445-479.
Majewski M, Sienkiewicz W, Kaleczyc J, Mayer B, Czaja K, Lakomy M (1995) The distribution and co-localization of immunoreactivity to nitric oxide synthase, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and substance P within nerve fibres supplying bovine and porcine female genital organs. Cell Tissue Res 281:445-464.
Swindle MM, Moody DC, Philips LD (1992) Swine as a model in biochemical research, 1st ed., Iowa State University Press, Ames.
References must also be typed double-spaced, and all species and subspecies names used must be underlined to indicate italics.
Illustrations. The number and size of illustrations must be consistent with the minimum requirements for clarification of the text. Numerical data given in graphs or tables should not be repeated in the text. Line drawings should be submitted as good-quality prints, with the letters 2 mm high in the printed version. Micrographs should be submitted as sharp, glossy originals, maximally trimmed at right angles to eliminate areas without significant information content and be of the desired final size (the layouts or single micrographs may either match the width of the column (8.6 cm) or the width of the entire page (17.8 cm). The maximum length of the layout is 25 cm). Instant lettering (about 3 mm high) is recommended for any inscriptions on the micrographs, including figure numbers. Color illustrations may be accepted, however, the authors will be expected to make a contribution towards the extra costs. For color prints, slides should also be sent. Legends must be concise and should provide a brief, self-sufficient explanation of the illustrations. Avoid remarks like „For explanation, see text”. In the manuscript, Legends should be typed double-spaced on a new page after the References.
Tables. They must be numbered consecutively in arabic numerals and be typed on separate sheets. The head of each table should provide a brief, self-sufficient explanation of its contents.
Review procedure. Manuscripts are normally subject to the assessment of the editors and reviewers. The Editorial Board reserves the right to preliminary assess the manuscript in regard to the scope and suitability for publication. The manuscript is then sent to two reviewers and upon their positive oppinion it is accepted for publication. Reviewers may also recommend rejection of the manuscript or its modification before it can be accepted. Positive oppinion of two reviewers is prerequisite for publication. Manuscripts that have been extensively modified in review process will be returned to the author for retyping. Review articles are invited by the Editorial Board. Authors can also propose publication of the review article, but they should sent the abstract, statement of the importance and proofs of their expertise in the field. The proposal is then reviewed by the independent referee and upon acceptance authors are invited to submit the review.
Changes in proofs. A charge will be made for changes introduced after the manuscript has been set in type.
Off-prints. Twenty (20) off-prints of each paper are supplied free of charge.